Consumer Clustering on the Base of Their Shopping Styles and Examination of Its Relationship with Innate Innovativeness and NEO Personality Dimensions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof in Business Management, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 MSc. Student of Business Management, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


This study has examined the relationship between decision styles in
purchase, the aspects of innate innovativeness and personality dimensions. First,
consumers have been classified into 3 clusters according to similarities in
shopping style. Then, the cluster behavior analysis based on the shopping styles,
aspects of innate innovativeness and NEO personality dimensions. Results don’t
show any significant difference between aspects of innate innovativeness and
three aspects of NEO personality (Neuroticism, Openness, Extroversion), but the
difference is noticeable among the cluster and between two dimensions
(Agreeableness and Conscientiousness). Theoretical Study also shows that among
the three aspects of consumer innovativeness, there is relationship between innate
innovativeness dimension and personality dimensions. Therefore, the relationship
between innate innovativeness dimension and personality dimensions has been
analyzed. The results of the research suggest a direct relationship between
personality dimension of Neuroticism and sensory innovativeness, but there isn’t
any Neo personality and cognitive innovativeness and sensory innovativeness.


Main Subjects

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