Investigating the Role of SMS Time Pressure in Effectiveness of Mobile Advertising with Moderation of Customer's Age

Document Type : Research Paper


1 1. Associate Prof of management group of University of Guilan

2 2. Assistant Prof of management group in University of Guilan

3 MSC Student of business management in University of Guilan


Evaluating the effectiveness of advertising is one of the important issues in the field of advertising. The results of these assessments help identify strengths and weakness of advertising. Time pressure of SMS is one of the influential factors on this subject. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of time pressure of SMS in the effectiveness of mobile advertising different age groups. In this regard, an experiment was designed in which 60 customers of Shaparak Advertising Company at the age group of 20-30 and 40-31 years were randomly selected. This experiment was conducted over 3 weeks so that each of high and low time pressure groups were independently exposed to SMS. At the end of the week, participants were given a questionnaire and the results were calculated by using SPSS19 software and ANOVA two-factor variance T-test. The results show that it would be better to send SMS under low time pressure. Also, the age of customers doesn't work as a factor affecting the effectiveness of mobile advertising.


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