An Investigation of the Effect of Packaging Characteristics (Visual and Functional) on Food Purchasing Behaviors: Moderating Role of Customer Demography


1 Associate Prof., Management Faculty, University of Ferdowsi, Mashhad, Iran

2 M.Sc. in Business Management, University of Ferdowsi, Mashhad, Iran


Abstract: The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of packaging characteristics (visual and functional) on food purchasing behaviors with the moderating role of customer demography. In order to collect data, 400 Questionnaires are distributed among the customers of five major supermarkets at Shiraz city. To test the validity and reliability of questionnaires, face validity and α cronbach approach (of the whole questionnaire and for each variable separately) applied respectively. Results showed that both of characteristics had an effect on food purchasing behavior; however the effect of visual characteristic was higher. Information on packaging among the components of visual characteristic and durability of packaging among the components of functional characteristic had the highest effect on food purchasing. Furthermore, demographic characteristics could moderate most of relations between packaging and food purchasing.


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