Commercialization of Media Entrepreneurs' Digital Innovations



Emergence of New Communication Technologies made media industry available for small and entrepreneur media firms to enter venue, while before them the arena belonged to big media companies. Now media industry includes a lot of small enterprises which market now innovations, even with limited resources, thanks to these new technologies. the same trend occurred in Iranian media market too, but despite a lot of activity, there were no considerable success. This shows the necessity of conducting research about the successful ways to commercialization of their innovations in digital media market. Investigation of commercialization models shows that none of them are useful to these firms to reach the success. The research aims to offer a framework, which helps Iran media entrepreneurs about successful commercialization of their digital innovations. The research methods used for this consist of grounded theory, which collect information via interview by 15 Iranian media entrepreneurs. This, results to a 5 categorize of factors which Resource factors, Product factors, Strategy Factors, Enterprise factors, are controllable and Infrastructure factors as uncontrollable. The framework is a foundation for future research in modeling of successful Commercialization of digital innovations.
