Examination of the relationship between organizational learning and financial performance mediated by innovation process in the industrial companies in Golpayegan

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Marketing Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 MA in Govermental Management, Azad University of Amir Kabir, Tehran, Iran


Although organizational learning is often known as a goal, in the view of many stakeholders, the final aim of many organizations is optimization of financial results such as productivity, and  innovation is among various factors which optimizes the organizations financial performance, however, as firms seek financial performance improvement, higher profit and minimum cost, it is necessary to understand how organization learning and innovation are effective on the organization financial performance. With respect to the research analytical model, the main aims of the present research are: examination of the effect of organization learning on firm's financial performance mediated by innovation process, and investigation of the interrelation between organizational learning and innovation, and between innovation and financial performance. The search has been conducted on industrial and manufacturing estates located in Golpaygan city, and performing some analyses using LISREL software, the proposed hypothesizes were accepted.


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