The Impact of Religious Beliefs on Brand Trust and Equity of Customers in the Astan Quds Razavi Food Industry

Document Type : Research Paper



Today, many organizations believe that brand is one of the most valuable assets. The most important characteristics of a brand are brand trust and equity. Various factors affect the brand trust and equity such as religious beliefs. This research studies the impact of religious beliefs on brand trust and equity of customers in the Astan Quds Razavi food industry. This research in terms of purpose is an applied and due to it's method of performance, is a survey research. The statistic population of the study includes customers of Astan Quds Razavi products in Mashhad city and the number of member samples was 384 persons who were selected by random sampling method. A questionnaire was used for data collection. Data analysis was implemented by structural equation model and using LISREL software. Considering the findings of this research, the religious beliefs as an independent variable of customers has a positive and significant effect on brand value as a dependent variable of the firm (which is consequent of trust variables and the brand equity).


Main Subjects

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