Business Model Innovation through the Expansion of Digital Platforms

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof., Department of Business Management, Faculty of Business Management, College of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D., Department of Business Management, Alborz Campus, University of Tehran, Iran.

3 PhD Candidate, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Business Management, College of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



This study aims to identify and analyze the role of digital platforms in improving business processes, data management, and communications. It thoroughly examines the direct and indirect impacts of digital platforms on organizational structures and business performance to find how digital technologies can facilitate innovation and contribute to the development of new business models development. It also seeks to explore the challenges and opportunities they present for organizations. Focusing on a specific digital framework, this study investigates how digital platforms are utilized at different organizational levels to enhance productivity and efficiency in work processes. Additionally, it tries to comprehend how organizations can benefit from the innovative opportunities created by advancements in digital technology, emphasizing how these opportunities can be leveraged to improve customer interactions and marketing strategies.
This research employs the Delphi method to identify and analyze key drivers. The Delphi method is a systematic technique used to collect and align expert opinions through multiple rounds of questionnaires without direct interaction among participants. This approach enables the researcher to gather comprehensive data from various experts and perform deeper, more impartial analyses. Additionally, the study uses the MIC-MAC analytical software to assess the influence and interdependencies among the identified drivers. MIC-MAC is a powerful tool for mapping interactions and determining the level of influence and dependency between various elements in a system. By the use of this technique, the research provides a dynamic map of the drivers, helping to pinpoint key areas for intervention and optimization. Furthermore, the study employs trend analysis and intuitive forecasting methods to gain a deeper understanding of future trends and uncertainties. This part of the research focuses on environmental and economic changes that could significantly affect businesses. Through intuitive analysis, the study aims to predict complex market shifts and business environments that influence strategic decision-making in organizations.
The findings of this study highlight the pivotal role of digital platforms in accessing big data and conducting intelligent data analyses. These platforms enable organizations to process raw data more effectively and leverage advanced techniques such as machine learning and artificial intelligence to extract actionable insights. This process, in turn, promotes the development of sustainable and innovative business models that improve efficiency and profitability. Additionally, adaptability and flexibility in responding to digital technological changes are recognized as crucial factors for leveraging innovative opportunities. Organizations that can swiftly adopt and implement new technologies can compete effectively in the market and maintain their leadership positions. This flexibility helps organizations stay competitive and enhances their ability to respond to evolving customer needs and expectations. The findings also indicate that the integration of digital technologies with business strategies can drive the development of innovative products and services tailored specifically to meet customer satisfaction.
This research highlights the significance of developing digital capabilities and creating resilient, flexible business models in the digital age. The results demonstrate that to achieve success in the modern business landscape, organizations must implement strategies that not only enable them to respond swiftly to technological changes but also empower them to leverage these changes to create sustainable competitive advantages. This study can provide guidance for decision-makers and business managers on optimizing operations and enhancing internal efficiency through big data and intelligent analysis. Effective use of advanced technologies can help organizations gain new insights into their target markets and identify business opportunities that previously seemed unattainable. Additionally, it highlights the need for continuous education and development of human resources to ensure that employees can adapt to and effectively utilize new technologies. This requires fostering a culture that encourages innovation and continuous learning at all organizational levels, enabling employees to grow in a stimulating and supportive environment.


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