Antecedents of Trust in Sharing Economy Platforms: Prioritization With the Best-Worst Method (BWM)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, University of Mazandaran

2 PhD Candidate in Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabi University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Ph.D. in Business Management, Marketing

4 Assistant Prof., Department of Industrial Management




Objective: Sharing economy is a form of business where people share their property. In other words, the sharing economy makes it possible for others to access their property. In some cases, this access is considered temporary or even a way to sell your products and services to others. This sharing of assets by consumers usually takes place on online platforms. Products exchanged in the sharing economy are often leased or rented. In this way, you can earn money from devices that are not used. Due to the increasing growth of sharing economy businesses, an important issue facing companies active in this field is trust. In other words, these jobs require extensive trust-based communication between users and service providers. Communicating with strangers is a challenge these businesses face and creates barriers to sharing economic business activities. To overcome these challenges, it is useful to identify the antecedents of trust in sharing economy contexts. For this purpose, the current research was conducted with the aim of identifying and prioritizing the antecedents of trust in the sharing economy.

Methodology: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and uses a mixed-method approach consisting of two phases. The first phase was conducted using a qualitative research method through qualitative content analysis with the aim of "identifying antecedents of trust in the sharing economy". For this purpose, after searching in various databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, Emerald & Science Direct, 60 articles were selected from 2014 onwards. After the qualitative content analysis, 26 indicators were identified as antecedents of trust in the sharing economy. In the next step, the best-worst (BWM) method was used to prioritize the categories. Therefore, the questionnaire of the best-worst method of this research was designed and finally, the designed questionnaire was presented to 10 experts in the field of sharing economy business for prioritization. Finally, with the help of EXCEL software, the data of the best-worst questionnaire was analyzed.

Finding: After qualitative content analysis 26 antecedents were classified into 6 main categories, which include platform value proposition (social value, cultural value), brand experience (user experience, personalization of services), consumers' ethical perception (platform security, protection of users ,transparency), perceived quality (service quality), platform branding (brand personality, brand power), and platform capabilities (technical capabilities, reliability).

Conclusion: The results of the analysis show that the category of platform branding has been identified as the most important category among the categories that have been identified as antecedents of trust in the sharing economy. Also, the category of consumers' moral perception was identified as the least important category. Also, in the end, the limitations of the current research were presented, and in addition, practical suggestions were presented to the activists of sharing economy businesses.


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