The impact of industrial brand equity on brand performance from the perspective of buying center members (Case study: Manufacturers of home appliances in Tehran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof., Dep. of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Iran

2 PhD Candidate, International Marketing Management, University of Semnan, Iran


Nowadays, suppliers in order to maintain and improve their positions against othernational and international suppliers take advantage of their brand equity, but the problem is that industrial suppliers do not know what factors are influencing for development and promotion industrial brand equity and also do not know how to enhance brand equity, to improve brand performance in industrial markets. This study has two main goals: 1. identify factors influencing industrial brand equity, 2. examine the relationship between industrial brand equity and brand performance. SPSS software was used to analyze data and PLS software was used to test hypotheses. Research findings indicate a significant positive effect of perceived quality, brand loyalty, social responsibility of supplier, reputation of supplier and quality of relationship between the buyer-supplier on industrial brand equity. The effect of brand awareness on industrial brand equity was insignificant. The results also showed significant positive effect industrial brand equity on brand performance in industrial markets.


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