Explaining the Influence of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Customer Satisfaction and Brand Equity in the Banking Industry Emphasizing on the Threats and Opportunities

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof. in Business Management, Semnan University, Iran

2 MSC. in Business Management, Semnan University, Iran


In order to enhance positive effects of organizational
citizenship behavior along with a decent brand management, companies
need to execute strategies to develop and reinforce brand equity. For this,
the present research investigates the importance of brand equity in the
banking industry as well as the effects of the organizational citizenship
behavior and customer satisfaction on this important subject. The
population of the current research is the employees and the customers of
the Melli Bank. To gather the required data, 110 and 390 questionnaires
have been distributed among a sample of the population in sequence. The
first and second- order confirmatory factor analysis have been employed
to assess the validity of the research questionnaire. Cronbach’s Alpha has
also been applied to assess the reliability of the questionnaire. The
hypotheses of the research have been tested bypath analysis, which is the
structural part of the structural equation modeling. As the results show, in
one hand, organizational citizenship behavior has a positive, direct, and
significant effect on customer satisfaction as well as brand equity. On the
other hand, customer satisfaction can enhance brand equity. The current
research takes new steps towards the relation between customer criteria
and employee criteria.


Main Subjects

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