Design of a Structural Model for Consumer Sense of Guilt to Predict Future Buying Behavior

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Business Administration, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Prof. in Business Management, University of Tabriz, Iran


Consumer guilt is a feeling that may be resulted from
someone recognition of having failed to achieve the internalized personal
or social moral standards in the context of consumption. The present
study aims to contribute to current knowledge of consumer guilt by
offering a comprehensive structural model of the consumer guilt in order
to predict future buying behavior. The method of this study (SEM) among
the consumers referred to those in the commercial and shopping
complexes in the city of Kermanshah by random. Data have been
collected by questionnaire of guilt consumer by Ayla ÖZHAN
DEDEOĞLU and CVI with 62.0 and 78% reliability. The questionnaires
have been distributed among the costumers. The data have been analyzed
by the SPSS and Amos applications. The findings reveal that regret Make
a purchase, Withheld purchase, transgression of norms, self-control
failures and indulgence in hedonic desires are the antecedents that
significantly explain consumer guilt. Among the responses studied in
literature, only those related to reparative action, psychological repair
work and justification are significantly loaded to coping responses factor.
The final model has the greatest impact on the incidence of feeling guilty
and withheld purchase by the consumer.


Main Subjects

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