A comparison, review, and assessment of the effectiveness of mobile and product-based augmented reality ads

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Business Management Marketing Orientation, Department of Management, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Department of Management, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran

3 Department of Business Management, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran

4 Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran



Abstract: The digitization process had affected all aspects of people's daily lives. This important factor, along with the change in the subjective preferences of consumers, had caused them to pay less attention to advertisements and commercials than before. In this situation, the major commercial efforts of the business were consciously or unconsciously ignored by the audience. The result of this factor was a reduction in the effectiveness of traditional advertisements, which were done at very high costs. The development of different technologies due to digitalization processes had led to the formation of different promising technologies. One of these very attractive technologies was called augmented reality, which could be used as a marketing or advertising approach by various businesses and marketers. Augmented reality improved and expanded the user's perception of the surrounding environment by adding computer-generated digital layers to the physical environment around the user.

Purpose: Based on this, this study sought to answer the question of whether advertising efforts based on augmented reality technology were effective compared to conventional and traditional advertisements. Also, did the use of augmented reality technology in order to provide commercial and advertising efforts lead to the development of the attitudes of the audience of this type of advertising towards the advertising effort, and could it increase the amount of purchase intention in them after seeing the augmented reality ads?

Method: For this purpose, in this research, after designing and building a dedicated and alternative augmented reality advertising platform for a consumer product, the experimental approach, simulation by using two groups: the experimental group and the control group, and data measurement, were used. The requirement was met at three levels: pre-test, post-test, and recall test. There were 22 participants in the research, and they were measured by questionnaire.

Findings: The results of this research showed that advertisements based on augmented reality technology, in addition to developing and improving the attitude of customers regarding the implemented advertising effort, also had a huge positive impact on their purchase intention. Based on this, it could be said that the effectiveness of advertisements based on augmented reality technology was much higher than conventional and traditional advertising approaches that were used in the world, especially in Iran.

Results: Due to the novelty of this advertising approach, it was suggested to marketers that by investing in this advertising method, in addition to gaining a competitive advantage, providing more value to consumers, and creating differentiation for their company and products, they could increase the effectiveness of their advertising efforts. Increase yourself as well, this factor would eventually increase the sales of products and improve the profitability of the business, which is one of the most important solutions to remain in the field of competition.


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