Hermeneutic analysis of value propositions in the organization

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Management, Phd candidate, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran




Purpose: Value Proposition is a clear, persuasive, and valid expression of the experience that a customer can receive from services or products, and is associated with the idea that a business What specifically can offer to its customers and why does the customer choose a particular company and its products or services and prefer them to competing products or services and is willing to pay for them; However, historical developments of this phrase have not been considered and over time, its meaning has been doubled. In addition, translation as a tool for the linguistic transmission of concepts, especially in different cultural contexts, has always made it difficult to achieve the meaning and concept desired by the original author; Because translation is the translator’s understanding of original author's understanding and expression, and based on it, he chooses the words he wants. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the words that provide the most understanding of the original author. For this reason, the present study seeks to analyze the semantic expression of Value proposition.

Method: In order to analysis and review the term of Value Proposition, a hermeneutic approach has been used. Documentary methods and library studies have also been used to collect information.

Findings: Based on the findings of the research, the term of Value Proposition has a two-way nature that is created in interaction with the customer; Therefore, it requires participation and acknowledgment from him. This is despite the fact that the translation of the offered value is not included in the proposition, and this linguistic format presents the determination of values to the customer unilaterally and does not fit with the co-creation of value and the participation of the customer at the beginning. Therefore, it will not evoke a proposition to have the ability to actively be true and false on the part of the customer.

Conclusion: Since the value of a product or service will only be meaningful if it fulfills the customer's real need by hearing the live voice of the customer. Therefore, the authors recommend the use of value propositions instead of offered value and believe that in value proposition, it is possible to check the truth or falsity, or in other words, to measure the approval or disapproval of the value of the service or product by the customer or the receiver of the service. In this way, the customer can play an active role. Because the term of value propositions is composed of two words, propositions and value, and the truth and falsity of the goods or services or and valuable review provided can be agreed upon in the interaction of two parties, which will also result in their mutual commitment to each other.


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